FMLA Self-Audit: Keeping in Compliance

Wendy Sellers
From: Jul 18, 2022 - To: Dec 31, 2022
Recorded Webinar


Employer violations of FMLA law are costly and at the same time, so is abuse by employees. Managers need to be trained, employees must be educated, and HR should be doing FMLA self-audits to protect everyone involved while becoming and staying an employer of choice. From FMLA policies and certification records to managers unknowingly denying an employee their right to protected family or medical leave, today’s session will open your eyes so that you can act and get prepared.

Learning Objectives:-

  • Common Violations and What the DOL Looks for During Investigations
  • Everyday Abuse by Employees
  • The FMLA Law and Required Action by Employers, Unraveled
  • General Advice for Employers

Why Should You Attend:-

Learn how to conduct an FMLA self-audit before the government does it for you! From notices and records to benefits during leave, confidentiality, and return to work – learn to understand it today, so you can start to act tomorrow!

Training Options

Error Conference Exists In Wish-list.

Congrats Conference Added In Wish-list.


Transcript (Pdf)



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