Since the final FSVP and 3rd Party Accreditation rules rely heavily on new rules for HARPC, Environmental Monitoring, Validation, and Validation of Preventive Controls, in this 60-minute session, we will quickly review earlier final rules before we summarize the final FSVP and 3rd Party Accreditation rules. It is critical to begin to understand how the FDA has interwoven the FSMA into more of a compact and focused set of rules than the proposed rules might have led us to believe.
Learning Objectives:-
Areas Covered:-
The wait for the final FSMA Rules is quickly ending and the implementation periods have begun. On November 10, 2015, the FDA published the final rules for the Foreign Supplier Verification (FSVP) and Third Party Accreditation programs and is now preparing guidance documents that extend the requirements previously published under the final rules for cGMP, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human and Animal Food. Most businesses have less than one year for full implement compliance implementation.
The FDA FSMA rules are based on the idea that risk can be reduced through preventive approaches not widely understood or followed in the food industry. Regardless of your ability to understand these new rules, the implementation period has begun.
Why Should You Attend:-
The implications of these newly published FSMA rules go far beyond what their titles imply. Based on FDA recommendations, FDA Educator is presenting this critical session so that domestic and food importers and exporters can begin to protect themselves. More importantly, the Third Party Accreditation Rules need to be understood by all food industry personnel because earlier established food safety standards and audits will be changing to accommodate the new rules.
Who Will Benefit:-
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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