This webinar will lay the groundwork for determining whether your employees are properly classified as Exempt or Non-exempt and ensuring that wage and hour laws are being followed properly.
Areas Covered:-
Why Should You Attend:-
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), commonly referred to as the Wage and Hour Act, was passed in 1938 and since then has been amended many times. The major provisions of the FLSA are concerned with minimum wage rates and overtime payments, child labor, and equal rights. The US Department of Labor, Wage & Hour Division, oversees federal labor laws. Additionally, State DOLs administer state labor laws. Failure to comply with Wage & Hour laws may result in the employer paying the employee back wages, damages, penalties, attorney fees, and court costs, plus the prospect of civil and criminal penalties from federal and/or state governments. Therefore, Wage & Hour compliance is of the utmost importance.
Who Should Attend:-
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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