Working with Difficult People

Larry Johnson
From: May 03, 2023 - To: Dec 31, 2023
Recorded Webinar


Difficult people--they are everywhere. Perhaps it’s a colleague who is continually disagreeable. Or it’s subordinate who chronically complains about everything but never takes responsibility for fixing anything. Maybe it’s a customer who treats you rudely as if you are his personal servant. It could even be your boss, who acts like a playground bully when you ask her a question. Perhaps it’s a fellow teammate who gossips and even tells lies about you. Maybe it’s a person you depend on for results who continually misses deadlines and never keeps promises. It could even be a member of your family.

Regardless of their role in life, these chronically frustrating folks waste your time, cost you money, and can make your life miserable. You may wish they would just go away. The reality is that difficult people are here to stay. So it’s inherent on you to do something about it. You may say, “It’s hopeless, there’s nothing I can do to make them change,” and that is probably true – but there is usually something YOU can do to alter the situation.
In this fast-paced, information-packed webinar, you will learn how to diagnose difficult people, analyze your options to deal with them, and take action to improve the situation. In many cases, you may even enhance your relationships with the difficult people in your life. At the very least, you will learn strategies that will make your life more tolerable as you deal with them each day. The important thing is to know what might be your best course of action and act on it.

Areas Covered in the Session:-

  • Defining and Diagnosing Difficult People
  • Review of behavioral principles
  • What drives people to be difficult
  • An overall strategy for dealing with any difficult person
  • Dealing with specific types of difficult people
  • Tips for Dealing with your individual Difficult Person

Why You Should Attend:-

  • Identify the three key diagnostic indicators of difficult people - this is important because the techniques you will learn often lie outside the way we normally deal with others
  • Work with the seven most common types of difficult people
  • Develop a plan for dealing with your own personal difficult person, even if he or she does not fit into one of the seven common types
  • Establish interpersonal contracts to prevent future problems
  • Stand up for yourself without becoming overly aggressive - especially when working with bullies and potshot artists
  • Confront dishonesty and deviousness as it happens
  • Prevent Potshot Artists from stabbing you in the back
  • Stand up to the Office Bully, even if he or she is your boss
  • Engage Silent Sulkers so they contribute more and bring others down less
  • Get the best from Self Proclaimed Experts (aka Know-it-alls) so they contribute what they know with minimum damage
  • Bring Conversational Ramblers to the point - even when they are intent on talking on and on and on and on
  • Get Agreeable Andys to stop over-promising and start delivering as promised
  • Motivate Chronic Complainers to put up or shut up
  • Keep a positive, healthy mental attitude for yourself
  • During the Q&A at the end of the webinar, you will have a chance to get answers on how to deal with the specific difficult person in your life

Who Will Benefit:-

  • Anyone who works with anyone they consider difficult

Training Options

Error Conference Exists In Wish-list.

Congrats Conference Added In Wish-list.


Transcript (Pdf)



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